Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It has been way too long...

I have had some ups and downs over the past year but things are finally clicking. Mentally I have been in a very low place. Self-pity, guilt, and low self esteem have been keeping me down. I have let them keep me down. I keep me down. Recently I realized that those negative thoughts and feelings are not part of the true me. I am confident, I am a good person, I love me. The difference between now and then is only that I allow myself to feel this love. When you feel love for yourself you are able to genuinely give love. "Pain is simply the difference between the way things are and the way you want them to be." - The Precious Present by Spencer Johnson, MD. (thanks Ted!).

1 comment:

Ted Seymour said...

It is very powerful that you are recognizing this. There are so many things about ourselves that we either never have learned to look at and identify, or more likely never really want to see. I firmly believe that when we expose our "dirty laundry" which in truth is not so dirty at all, it magically begins to become clean. To continue with the analogy, it's like taking your sheets outside on a sunny day, shaking them out a little and hanging them in the sun. They are renewed and refreshed by the light of day.

Good courageous work Rachel. I look forward to reading more about your journey.